Sam Roberts' Show Rundown - 10/31/14

-Sam starts the show on his own, and talks to the callers about why there's no need to dress up for Halloween once you're out of school.
-Sam talks about Tim Cook coming out, and the news commentator that accidentally putted him months ago.
-Olympic Gold Medalist Kaitlyn Farrington joins the show, and shows off her New York Tourist Halloween costume.
-Sam talks to Kaitlyn about cat calling and Chelsea Handler's topless photo.
-Kaitlyn tells a story about going to a sex club called "The Box."
-Sam Morril joins the show and talks about gay guys cat calling him, Kaitlyn talks about the time she made out with a girl.
-We talk about new New York ambassador Taylor Swift.
-Jesse Joyce joins the show to talk about last night's Iron Sheik roast.
-Sam explains how much os an idiot Virgil is.
